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What Full-Time Freedom Week Meant To Us

We are still on a high from Full-Time Freedom Week! We were so incredibly inspired by the event that we had to share our thoughts and reflections.

What was Full-Time Freedom Week?

In case you missed it, we collaborated with 7 other RVers to host a virtual Facebook event filled with information, resources, and fun all geared towards helping people achieve their dream of full-time RVing. We had $1,500 worth of giveaways, several surprise guest interviews, and a bundle of products created by RVers for RVers (including our very first program we created called Finance Your Detour). We had over 1,000 people attend the event, had insane engagement and excitement amongst the viewers, and gained many new RV friends!

Good news! You can still access the information!

If you’re bummed you missed Full-Time Freedom Week…we are too. We created the event and content to help others achieve this lifestyle that we love so much. So we want to continue to help!
We put all the information shared by 8 full-time RVers in one place. Whether you’re a newbie RVer, an expert RVer yourself, or are just in the planning and dreaming phases…there is something for everyone!
Click here to read all about the event and get access to all the videos!

Now what? (the fun isn’t over!)

We were so sad when the Full-Time Freedom Week was over because of all the energy and positivity that it generated for everyone (including us hosts). So, we created a Facebook group where we can continue to provide resources for each other, build community, and support one another. The group is called Full-Time Freedom, so go join us!!

Also, as we mentioned, the 8 of us RVers who hosted the event bundled our own personal products together to offer continued resources for those RV dreamers or current RV lifers out there. Each of us are so passionate about what we created and are confident it will help the RV community, that we decided to put them together and offer an amazing DEAL on them. But the deal only lasts until December 31st.

There are 9 different products in this bundle and together they are valued at $300!

Here’s the complete list of products:

  • Among the Giants (digital music album) by Drivin’ and Vibin’: Perfect road trip music…enough said!
  • Digital Photography Tips (ebook) by Joe Hendricks: We’ve taken a night photography class from Joe and he’s amazing!! We’ve been able to take some awesome night shots of our RV under the stars because of what he taught us in about 30 minutes. This is exactly what he teaches in his book and you don’t have to be a photography expert to do it.
  • Finance Your Detour (ecourse) by Follow Your Detour: This is the program WE created! This 4 step program designed to help you implement a budget in order to eliminate money as the barrier to achieving your full-time RV dream. The program includes the exact strategies and budgeting tool that WE used to pay off $100,000 in debt plus save an emergency fund of $25,000. Included in the program are also video lessons, interactive digital worksheets, and tutorials for using the budgeting tool.
  • Full-Time RV Finance (ebook) by Chickery’s Travels: Julie and Sean’s book is a great compliment to our budgeting program, if money is your greatest barrier to RV life.
  • How to Start a Virtual Business (ecourse) by Crazy Family Adventure: Bryanna has grown her business so much that she is outsourcing work now and actually hired Lindsay. Starting a virtual business is a great way to fund full-time RV life.
  • Remote Work Package (ecourse) by More Than A Wheelin’: Camille gives very practical and realistic tips for finding remote work in her course. She’s extremely knowledgeable and skilled at helping people determine their skills, gain focus, and create actionable steps to achieving their goals…we know from experience in working with her!
  • RV Entrepreneur Handbook (ebook) by Heath Padgett: Heath was the original inspiration to us hitting the road!
  • RV Holiday Cookbook (ebook) by Chickery’s Travels: This woman can cook and has great tips for cooking in a small kitchen!
  • Tales from the Black Tank Expanded Edition (ebook and audio book) by Liz Wilcox: You’ll get a kick out of this book and we even contributed the story of our worst travel day experience for you to laugh at!

We decided to keep the bundle ON SALE a little while longer because we got such a great response and besides, it’s the perfect gift for yourself or for the RV obsessed person in your life! So if you purchase the bundle using the promo code: 20percent you will get 20% off! Click here to get more information about and to purchase the bundle! But don’t wait…the bundle will be gone after December 31st and all products will be back to their individual prices. 

What was so cool about being a part of this event?

1. Full-Time Freedom Week really showcased the unbelievable RV community. This community is active, helpful, encouraging and filled with people that are the type of people that we hope our children become. We have learned so much from other people in this community, and it felt great to hopefully help someone else achieve this lifestyle

2. It was an incredible honor to be a part of this event only 8 ½ months after becoming full-time RVers. The Full-TIme Freedom Week contributors are very talented. They have amazing blogs, podcasts, Youtube channels and photos; we were completely humbled to be asked to be part of such an amazing project with a great group of people.

On a personal note…

This event was the realization of another detour for us. Eleven months ago we launched Follow Your Detour. We wanted the site to be a resource for people, but more than anything, we wanted to inspire and encourage our readers to follow their own detours. And, we hoped that by helping people and providing quality content, we could figure out a way to monetize the site as well.

Since the day we launched FYD, we’ve been dedicated to running our site like a business – not writing just for us, but writing content that we believe will be valuable to our readers. It’s been a ton of fun and a ton of work. We’ve learned so many new skills, and everyday is a new opportunity to push ourselves out of our comfort zone. We love pushing our boundaries because we know that paves the path of personal growth.

Full-Time Freedom Week pushed us even further and officially launched us into “entrepreneurship”. The event allowed us to share our passion for RVing and helping others, while also resulting in our first product: Finance Your Detour, a budgeting program designed to help people manage their finances and change their life. We’re so excited to share the strategies and tips we have used to take control of our financial life and achieve our goal of full time travel.

Creating our program and helping organize and host Full-Time Freedom Week was extremely rewarding, but also a few of the most stressful weeks of our lives. We had always hoped one day to share our successful budgeting process, but lacked the confidence and drive to make it happen. Frankly, we were afraid to fail and to put ourselves out there. But, having the support and encouragement of other RV entrepreneurs, and the vision of helping people overcome barriers to achieving full-time freedom helped us tremendously.

We truly put our heart and soul into our program and into the virtual event. We worked 15 hour days for about 2 weeks straight. There were moments when we doubted ourselves and  we honestly struggled through every single step of the process. We had NO CLUE how to create a program and had to learn everything from square one. But we did it and here we are.

The event was a huge success. Our program? We are anxious to hear feedback! But we already feel it’s been a success as well. We learned A TON, we completed something we easily could’ve given up on, and we took a risk on something we believe in. Sometimes, success is just a matter of going for it. So for that, we are proud of ourselves and we know this has opened up a whole new door for us. We are already dreaming of our next product because we know now, we can do it.

We believe so much in following dreams, detours or opportunities. We’re confident that putting ourselves out there to the world with this product will shape our journey in unforeseen ways.

We’ve come alive since the launching of Follow Your Detour and it’s all because of you, our readers. We’re so excited for 2018. We have some great ideas to make your experience on the site better and more valuable. We are so pumped! If you have any ideas for us, or things that you really want us to do or provide, please let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for all of your support!

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Daniel McKenzie

Dan is a near Colorado native that loves to experience new places, cultures, and adventures. He considers himself a pretty laid back kind of guy and loves to enjoy a refreshing beverage on a patio.

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