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6 Books That Will Inspire You to Change Your Life!

As full-time RVers, we spend a lot of time in the truck traveling. We decided to use this time as productively as possible, therefore,  Audible books are a must! We’ve found these books to not only help pass the time while traveling, but they’ve also gotten us so pumped up about life and accomplishing our personal and professional goals! We encourage you to give them a read.

Disclosure: If you purchase any of the books on this page, or sign up for an Audible membership through our links, we will receive a small commission.

Here’s our list of books that will totally inspire you and help you follow those detours you’ve been dreaming about! 

The Alchemist

We recommended this book in Lindsay’s post, Why Quitting My Dream Job was a Part of Following my Detour. This book had a huge part in our decision to follow our dream of full-time RVing. The book is all about finding your personal legend. It will blow your mind and you’ll need to pause it often so you can write down some of the quotes (or highlight if you’re still a paperback reader!). The author masterfully weaves in the complexity of finding your life’s purpose into simple storytelling. It is subtle, yet powerful.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

It’s simple but we’re all guilty of giving too many f*cks about things you simply just shouldn’t give a f*ck about! We desperately needed this message when we started making bold moves towards our dreams. We were spending way too much time giving too many f*cks about what others thought and what we were valuing was also f*cked up. Okay, we will stop saying f*ck, but this is the only post we could ever feel comfortable using that word! This book is like having a true friend sit you down and tell you the things you need to hear – it’s a total wake up call that everyone needs!

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work

Dan had the pleasure of seeing the author Shawn Achor speak at a conference this past May. You can watch him on Ted Talks to get a good idea of what the book is about. He’s funny and very inspirational. We use MANY of the tips that Shawn offers in this book for improving your happiness in both work and life, including meditation, expressing gratitude, and sending compliments. It’s amazing how much these simple, yet practical strategies work!

You’re a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

We are currently reading/listening to this book and it’s been incredibly impactful. We are so hooked, we even listened to it while hiking the other day! It’s like taking a shot of confidence. We have already seen and felt the benefits you can gain from the advice laid out in this book.  You’ll discover how you’re holding yourself back from ultimate greatness and how to truly believe in yourself.

The Four Hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

The author of this book, Timothy Ferris has achieved incredible success by building out online businesses. In this book, he shares strategies for increasing your productivity by streamlining your business so that you can live the life you want. For those interested in location independence and passive income, this book is a must read! 

Never Work Again: Work Less, Earn More & Live Your Freedom

The concept of Never Work Again is very similar to that of The Four Hour Work Week. An added benefit to this book is that it comes with online resources to reinforce your learning. If you’re an entrepreneur, you should be using these books as your blueprints for success! 


Follow Your Detour, Let Go of Your Pain, Conquer Your Fear & Find the Real You

I recently wrote my own book!!!! If you’re feeling “stuck” in life or at a dead end, it’s a must. I’ve consistently heard how inspirational my book is for anyone going through struggles and wanting to find hope. My book shares my own personal experience with a variety of loss, and especially the loss of my identity. I share how this loss ultimately led me down a “detour” to a transformational journey of self-discovery and growth. In each chapter, I have a “your turn” section where I help guide the reader to following their own detour. I also share what we call the “detour mindset”, which is a set of principals to support you along your path to finding purpose in your pain and your true happiness in life. Get a signed copy here!

Here’s what’s next up on our “to-read” list:

Inspirational Mind Food

Christine and her family, “Rolling With The Roberts” are also full-time RVers who we met at an RV park in Malibu. Christine is also a motivational speaker, life coach, and serves as a Regional Director of Leadership Development at The John Maxwell Company. We feel inspired just by the few conversations we’ve had with her so we absolutely can’t wait to read her book. “Each of us is special, deserving, and worthy of all the goodness life has to offer but it’s up to us to change and improve our path.” This quote from her book goes along perfectly with our “detour mindset”!

Dot Com Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online

Are you like us and have been behind the scenes busting your butt on your blog or online business and struggling to see any growth? Well, join us in reading this book and learning about how to build traffic and understand marketing funnels and sales scripts you need to build your business.

Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Budgeting is a huge part of our life and how that we make full-time travel financially possible for us. We implement a lot of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University strategies and are always looking for more tips to achieve financial freedom so that we can continue to do what we love most.

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If you’re not familiar with Audible, its an awesome subscription service from Amazon where you get one audio book to be listened to on any device you want! They have over 180,000 titles to choose from so there is something for everyone! Click the image below to sign up.

What are some books that have inspired YOU? We’d love to add them to our list! Leave them in a comment below!


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If you're looking for inspirational books to read, here are 6 that will motivate you to change your life. Add them to your reading list this year. They are especially great books to inspire you in your 20's and 30's.They are must read books! #book #bookworm #inspirational #mustread #readinglist #booklover #bookstagram

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Asking Minds
Asking Minds
5 years ago

These books really seem to be more appealing. I will definitely read them all.

6 years ago

I’ve read a number of these books too. I love the Alchemist—so impactful! I keep hearing about Brunson’s Book so need to check that out. Thanks for the great list!

Greg Estep
Greg Estep
7 years ago

Thanks for the list! We have read the 4 hour work week and will add the other 5 to our list. We have also read “Money Master the Game” – good resource although he takes a lot of time telling you what he is going to tell you 😉 I’m reading “Unshakable” by Tony R. right now and it’s pretty good – mostly a shortened version of “Money Master the Game”. Dave Ramsey like you mentioned has some good books too. A couple others for your list that I thought are worth the read: $100 Start Up by Chris Guillebeau… Read more »