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4 Reasons Why Traveling Strengthens Your Relationship

It’s not rocket science: relationships can be hard. And I don’t have to tell you, vacations are exciting. So why not use one to enhance the other. In my own experiences, frequent traveling has been a huge contributor to my successful and happy marriage. When we go longer than a few months without taking a trip (even just to the mountains an hour away for one night), we become disconnected. Here are reasons why every relationship can benefit from spending a little quality time away.

4 Ways Traveling Strengthens Your Relationship:

1. Taking a vacation, near or far, allows you to take a break from reality.

The stressors of everyday life can definitely take a toll on your relationship. Whether its household duties, work, or family matters, the “day-to-day grind” gets in the way of putting in the quality time and attention your spouse deserves. Removing yourself from this atmosphere, even for a weekend, can allow you to focus on your relationship and spend quality time as a couple. They are called “getaways” for a reason. So limit your phone usage, be present, and take a break from life. This makes you feel better as an individual, and a happy YOU makes a happy spouse TOO!

2. Adventures create lasting memories to carry you through tough times.

No matter the destination or length of trip, you WILL have experiences that you will remember forever. Even the adventures that go wrong end up making the best stories! The laughs you share, new sights you see, pictures you take, and activities you enjoy will become a part of you as a couple. You will find yourself talking about these memories all the time. Reminiscing about something only the two of you experienced or having inside jokes definitely bring you closer. Experiences together are priceless.

couples travel glacier national park
Glacier National Park

We “blew” our down payment on our first home savings account on a trip to Europe. But, after spending an entire night laughing and remembering fun times from our journeys through Central America, we realized that traveling is more of an investment than a home. We always remind each other that when we are old and gray, we will still be talking about our memories and sharing them with our grandchildren. We probably won’t be talking about the cars or properties we owned.

3. Traveling teaches you a lot about yourself, but imagine what you learn about your significant other too.

Being out of your comfort zone and trying new things truly brings out new traits and interests you didn’t even know you had. Seeing different sides of your significant other makes the cliché idea of “falling in love all over again” possible! Learning new things about yourself and each other will strengthen your bond more than you realize.

thailand couples travel bucket list

4. New experiences through traveling force you to depend on each other and build trust in your relationship.

I’ve never felt more protected by my husband than I did traveling through a foreign country. This requires me to be vulnerable and allows him to step up as my man and my leader. This is extremely important but also a rare occurrence in your everyday life. Traveling also presents you with many problems and challenges that you wouldn’t experience in your typical day. Whether it’s navigating unknown land, plans that go awry, missing transportation, etc. you lean on each other for comfort, support, and advice.

Being a team in a committed relationship is key, and there is no better way to practice this than through traveling. Your different skills and strengths can complement each other as you work in this partnership. And of course, traveling will require constant open communication. When you’re solving such problems, when you are feeling homesick or uncomfortable, you will talk through it and provide each other with the encouragement you need. These important relationship tools will come home with you and you will have them to access during the difficult times there, too.

We now travel as a couple full-time in our RV and have never been happier! If you want to learn more about full-time RVing, check out our RV travels, read our RV life blog posts, and check out our RV resources page. We love helping other couples achieve full-time travel!

Full time RVers boondocking in Colorado

Want some couples travel destination suggestions? Read our list of bucket list destinations for couples, here!

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Couples travel can have incredible benefits to a marriage or relationship.Here are 4 reasons why traveling strengthens your connection and bond. So grab your significant other and plan a trip. This full-time traveling couple gives destination ideas and tips for planning vacations in the USA and abroad too. #couplestravel #travel #TravelBlogger #bucketlist #destinations #traveltips #traveltheworld #marriage


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Lindsay McKenzie

Lindsay is a proud Colorado native who loves Jesus, her family (especially her 3 nieces and 5 nephews), and of course, adventures with her husband Dan and their 2 dogs. She's a simple kind of girl. All it takes to make her happy is a cold beer, some country music, a sunset, and maybe a fishing pole!

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